This neglected derelict cottage in Portmarnock was ‘found’ by its new owners who rescued it from complete decay and transformed it back to a delightful home for their retirement. In need of total repair, it was sensitively restored and upgraded together with the provision of a modern contemporary extension to the side to add additional floor space. The result is a stunning juxtaposition of the old verses the new. Highly insulated and with every modern convenience, this home truly fits the bill for a relaxing, comfortable retirement by the sea.The cottage with the timber extension
Renovation and extensionThis project involved the complete refurbishment of a 1920’s two storey dwelling. The house had previously been insensitively extended and altered over the years with little thought to internal spaces, light and flow. The design concept was to take a fresh look at the overall property, add and remove walls to free up spaces and provide a warm, light filled home with a modern contemporary twist while maintaining the historic fabric and traditional proportions of the building. The resultant design solution provided a super insulated house with modern conveniences and comfort.
Elegant, oval, corkscrew stairs over 4 floors within a 5 star home.
The owners of this detached home required an extension to the rear which enhanced the flow of the floor plan and maximised the daylight into the heart of the house. Extensive use of roof windows together with glazed screens to the rear opened up the house completely providing a wonderful light filled space for home entertaining.Renovation and extension